Apple + Pomegranate Bites

Apple + Pomegranate Bites

Hamov Eh Recipe - Edited-19.jpg


  • 1/4 c Hamov Eh Walnut+Date

  • 2 Honeycrisp apples (or apple of choice)

  • 1/4 c pomegranate seeds

  • (Optional) cookie cutters


  1. Wash the apples + peel (if desired).

  2. Thinly slice the apples from the outside in, creating little discs. Use cookie cutters to create little shapes for kids, or for yourself if you’re into that!

  3. Spread a generous amount of Walnut + Date on each slice.

  4. Top with pomegranate seeds for a splash of color (or toasted coconut, pepitas, or nuts!).

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